
Year 10 EOTC Introduction

As part of the Year 10 programme students will be participating in four days of Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC).

The focus of this programme is one of citizenship and social awareness.

The four days of activities in which your son/daughter will participate are as follows: Community Service in Tawa, Days Bay Kayaking Course and Biking to Pencarrow (Same day), Paintball Corp and H2O Xtream (Same day), Mount KauKau Walk and swimming at Khandallah Pool (Subject to pool opening date).

EOTC Time and Price

These EOTC trips will run from Tuesday 4 December to Friday 7 December.

All of the trips will depart from Tawa College at 8:35am and will return by 3:20pm.

The total cost of the trips is $75.00 per student. This includes transport and the cost of all activities. Due to the nature of the activities and the fixed costs involved, there will be no refunds given. Students are expected to bring a packed lunch on all of these days as there will be limited opportunity to purchase food.

Extra Information

Students will be required to wear appropriate mufti clothing on all days. This involves good walking or sports shoes, rain coat, sun block, and suitably warm clothing.

Each student will be given a timetable informing them of which trip they will do on which day. Click on the following links to see your Timetable for the Week. Group 1, Group 2, Group 3, or Group 4.

Students will not be allowed to participate in these trips if they do not have the correct gear. If you have any difficulty supplying these required items please indicate on the return form and we will endeavour to assist where possible.

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